画像フォーマット (man convert より作成)

       AVS    AVS X image file.

       BIE+   Joint Bi-level Image experts Group file interchange

       BMP+   Microsoft Windows bitmap image file.

       BMP24+ Microsoft Windows 24-bit bitmap image file.

       CGM    Computer Graphics Metafile.

       CMYK   Raw cyan, magenta, yellow, and black bytes.

       DCX+   ZSoft IBM PC multi-page Paintbrush file.

       DIB    Microsoft Windows bitmap image file.

       EPS    Adobe Encapsulated PostScript file.

       EPS2   Adobe Level II Encapsulated PostScript file.

       EPSF   Adobe Encapsulated PostScript file.

       EPSI   Adobe Encapsulated PostScript Interchange format.

       FAX+   Group 3.

       FITS   Flexible Image Transport System.

       FPX    FlashPix Format.

       GIF+   CompuServe   graphics   interchange  format;  8-bit

       GIF87+ CompuServe graphics interchange format; 8-bit color
              (version 87a).

       GRAY   Raw gray bytes.

              gradual  passing from one shade to another. Specify
              the desired shading as the  filename  (e.g.  grada-

              granite texture.

       HDF+   Hierarchical Data Format.

       HTML   Hypertext  Markup Language with a client-side image


       JBIG+  Joint Bi-level Image experts Group file interchange

       JPEG   Joint  Photographic Experts Group JFIF format; com-
              pressed 24-bit color.

       MAP    Red, green, and blue colormap bytes followed by the
              image colormap indexes.

       MATTE  Raw matte bytes.

       MIFF+  Magick  image file format.  MNG Multiple-image Net-
              work Graphics.

       MONO   Bi-level  bitmap  in  least-significant-byte  (LSB)
              first order.

       MPEG+  Motion  Picture Experts Group file interchange for-

       MTV+   MTV Raytracing image format.

              Netscape 216 color cube.

       NULL   NULL image.

       PBM+   Portable bitmap format (black and white).

       PCD    Photo CD.

       PCL    Page Control Language.

       PCX    ZSoft IBM PC Paintbrush file.

       PDF+   Portable Document Format.

       PGM+   Portable graymap format (gray scale).

       PICT   Apple Macintosh QuickDraw/PICT file.

       PLASMA plasma fractal image.  Specify the  base  color  as
              the  filename  (e.g. plasma:gray).   Use fractal to
              initialize to a random value (e.g. plasma:fractal).

       PNG    Portable Network Graphics.

       PNM+   Portable anymap.

       PPM+   Portable pixmap format (color).

       PS+    Adobe PostScript file.

       PS2+   Adobe Level II PostScript file.

       RAD    Radiance image format.

       RGB    Raw red, green, and blue bytes.

       RGBA   Raw red, green, blue and matte bytes.

       RLA    Alias/Wavefront image file; read only

       RLE    Utah Run length encoded image file; read only.

       SGI+   Irix RGB image file.

       SHTML  Hypertext  Markup Language with a client-side image

       SUN+   SUN Rasterfile.

       TEXT   raw text file; read only.

       TGA+   Truevision Targa image file.

       TIFF+  Tagged Image File Format.

              24-bit Tagged Image File Format.

       TILE   tile image with a texture.

       UIL    X-Motif UIL table.

       UYVY   16bit/pixel   interleaved   YUV   (e.g.   used   by

       VICAR  read only.

       VID    Visual Image Directory.

       VIFF+  Khoros Visualization image file.

       X      select image from X server screen.

       XC     constant  image  of  X  server  color.  Specify the
              desired color as the filename (e.g. xc:yellow).

       XBM    X11 bitmap file.

       XPM    X Windows system pixmap file (color).

       XWD    X Windows system window dump file (color).

       YUV+   CCIR 601 4:1:1 file.